Your Quantum Safe Journey starts here!
In 2035, there’s a >50% probability of a cryptographically relevant Quantum computer
Are you ready for this?
While most companies are focussing on current cyber security threats and issues, they might not be aware of a long-term threat that requires short-term action. 10 years might seem a long time, but when migration to Quantum safe could be around 15 years you might already be too late.
Quantum Gateway Foundation helps organizations to start their Quantum Safe journey and deliver what’s needed in an accessible way. This includes the tooling to complete the cryptographic inventory, test platforms to get detailed insights into the performance of a PQC enabled application and frameworks to assist in taking the right steps.
The three main goals of QGF
1. Guiding organizations in developing and maintaining a Quantum-Safe landscape during their journey towards the Quantum Computing era.
2. Providing organizations with tools and technology to experiment with different kinds of Quantum-Safe and Crypto- Agile technology on QGF’s testbed, and develop the right strategy for their migration project.
3. Connecting all kinds of organizations together in a single ecosystem to provide training and education for its members, and to bring emerging technologies closer to the end-users.
Everybody has to start with Discover, and for that we created Quantum Shield, a cryptography asset discovery tool that will give you insights and control of your cryptography assets. Understand current and future weaknesses and strength, and use the overview for the design of your future quantum safe landscape and migration strategy.

Quantum Shield
- Automated discovery through network analysis
- Handshake only, there’s no need to send all data
- Pseudomization of sensitive data
- User friendly cryptography management
- Export to CMDB
- Realtime streaming or file uploads
- Cloud installs or on-premise installations
Experience Quantum Shield yourself on our demo site, click button to request acccess.
When your discovery is complete, then you can take the next step in designing your future Quantum safe landscape. We’ve created The Foundation for your Quantum safe journey.

A three step discover, design, protect strategy will take you from learning what you have and what’s out there, through designing your future landscape and testing different Quantum safe technology for you application, until protecting your environment and migrate to Quantum safe.
- Quantum Shield for automated cryptographic discovery
- One stop shop for tools & technology
- Understand the Quantum threat
- Find the right organisations to support you
- Test the performance of Quantum safe technology in your application
- Design your Quantum safe landscape with the right principles
- Develop your migration program and strategy
- Continuous scanning of your landscape
- Secure your application with a PQC failsafe without changes to your application
- Start your migration